PIP vs. Poetry: Choosing the Right Python Package Manager for Your Projects


Ever wondered if you’re using the most efficient tool to manage your Python packages? You’re not alone. The ecosystem of Python package management has evolved significantly, with tools like pip and Poetry offering different approaches to solve similar problems.

In this guide, we’ll dive deep into pip and Poetry to help you decide which one fits your workflow best. Whether you’re building a simple script or a complex application, your choice of package manager can significantly impact your development experience.

Let’s explore what makes each of these tools unique, and how they compare in real-world scenarios.

1. The Basics: What Are pip and Poetry?

pip: The Standard Bearer

Pip is Python’s standard package installer. If you’ve worked with Python, you’ve probably used pip already. It comes bundled with Python installations since version 3.4, making it the most accessible tool for managing packages.

At its core, pip is designed to install packages from the Python Package Index (PyPI) and other repositories. It’s straightforward, well-documented, and deeply integrated with the Python ecosystem.

Poetry: The Modern Contender

Poetry, on the other hand, is a more recent tool that aims to solve package management challenges in a more comprehensive way. Launched in 2018, Poetry brands itself as a “Python packaging and dependency management made easy.”

Unlike pip, Poetry isn’t just a package installer but a complete dependency management tool. It handles virtual environments, dependency resolution, and package publishing in one cohesive system.

Philosophy Differences

The key difference? Pip focuses primarily on installing packages, while Poetry emphasizes managing entire projects with their dependencies. Pip is like a hammer—excellent at one specific job. Poetry is more like a multi-tool—designed to handle the entire workflow.

2. Installation and Setup

Getting Started with pip

Getting pip is usually a non-issue since it comes with Python. If you need to install it separately:

python -m ensurepip --upgrade

Or update an existing installation:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

That’s it. No configuration required to start using it.

Setting Up Poetry

Poetry requires a separate installation:

curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -

Or on Windows:

(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://install.python-poetry.org -UseBasicParsing).Content | python -

After installation, Poetry requires some initial setup for new projects:

poetry new my-project
# or for existing projects
poetry init

This creates a structured project with a pyproject.toml file.

First Impression

Notice the difference already? Pip gets you installing packages immediately, while Poetry asks you to think about your project structure first. This reflects their different philosophies: pip focuses on packages, Poetry on projects.

3. Package Management

Managing Packages with pip

With pip, adding packages to your project is straightforward:

pip install requests

Need a specific version?

pip install requests==2.28.1

Upgrading and removing packages follows a similar pattern:

pip install --upgrade requests
pip uninstall requests

Simple, right? But this simplicity has limits when projects grow complex.

Poetry’s Approach to Dependencies

Poetry handles package installation differently:

poetry add requests

For version constraints:

poetry add requests=^2.28.1

The ^ symbol isn’t a typo—it’s caret notation indicating compatibility with future versions that don’t change the left-most non-zero digit (similar to npm’s approach).

What makes Poetry different is how it tracks these dependencies. Every package you add gets recorded in pyproject.toml and locked in poetry.lock, ensuring consistency across environments.

Handling Transitive Dependencies

Here’s where things get interesting. When pip installs a package, it also installs that package’s dependencies. However, it doesn’t create any record of these transitive dependencies by default.

Poetry tracks everything automatically in its lock file, capturing the entire dependency tree. This difference becomes crucial when you want to recreate your environment exactly.

4. Project Configuration

pip’s Configuration Approach

Pip typically relies on two files for project configuration:

  1. requirements.txt: Lists direct dependencies
  2. setup.py: Defines package metadata for distribution

A typical requirements.txt looks like this:


While setup.py is more verbose:

from setuptools import setup, find_packages


Managing these files separately can become tedious as projects grow.

Poetry’s Single Configuration File

Poetry consolidates everything into a single pyproject.toml file:

name = "myproject"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "A sample Python project"
authors = ["Your Name <[email protected]>"]

python = "^3.9"
requests = "^2.28.1"
numpy = ">=1.23.0"

pytest = "^7.0.0"

This approach follows the PEP 518 standard and keeps all project configuration in one place. The format is also more human-readable and easier to maintain.

Configuration Comparison

Which is better? Poetry’s approach reduces file clutter and provides a clearer project structure. Pip’s approach offers familiarity and is widely supported by tools and platforms. Your preference might depend on how you like to organize your projects.

5. Virtual Environment Management

pip and Virtual Environments

Pip doesn’t manage virtual environments directly. Instead, you typically pair it with tools like venv:

python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate  # On Windows: .venv\Scripts\activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

This multi-step process works but requires you to remember activation steps and maintain environment consistency manually.

Poetry’s Integrated Environments

Poetry creates and manages virtual environments automatically:

poetry install

This single command creates a virtual environment if one doesn’t exist, then installs all dependencies. To run commands within this environment:

poetry run python script.py

Or enter a shell within the environment:

poetry shell

Workflow Impact

The difference might seem subtle, but it adds up over time. Poetry’s approach reduces cognitive load—you don’t need to remember to activate environments or worry about which environment you’re using.

Have you ever accidentally installed packages globally when you meant to install them in a virtual environment? Poetry’s approach helps prevent these common mistakes.

6. Dependency Resolution

How pip Resolves Dependencies

Pip’s dependency resolution has improved significantly with the introduction of the dependency resolver in pip 20.3 (late 2020). Before this, pip would simply install packages without thoroughly checking for conflicts.

The current resolver attempts to find a compatible set of dependencies, but it can still stumble with complex dependency trees. When conflicts occur, pip may fail with error messages that aren’t always clear about the root cause.

Poetry’s Advanced Resolver

Poetry was built with dependency resolution as a central feature. Its resolver is similar to those used in modern package managers for other languages, like npm for JavaScript or Cargo for Rust.

When adding packages, Poetry checks if the new dependency is compatible with existing ones. If conflicts arise, it provides detailed information about what’s conflicting and why.

For example, if you try to add a package that requires Python 3.8+ when your project is configured for Python 3.7, Poetry will clearly explain this conflict.

Real-world Impact

In practice, Poetry’s resolver prevents many headaches, especially in larger projects with complex dependency trees. Pip has improved, but Poetry still has the edge in clarity and conflict resolution.

Think of it this way: pip will tell you there’s a problem, while Poetry will try to explain why there’s a problem and what options you have.

7. Reproducibility and Lockfiles

pip’s Approach to Reproducibility

With pip, the standard approach to reproducible builds involves using pip freeze:

pip freeze > requirements.txt

This outputs the exact versions of all installed packages. However, there’s a catch—it doesn’t distinguish between direct and transitive dependencies. This makes the requirements file harder to maintain manually.

Poetry’s Lock System

Poetry automatically maintains a poetry.lock file alongside your pyproject.toml. This lock file:

  • Records exact versions of all packages (direct and transitive)
  • Includes cryptographic hashes for security
  • Updates only when you explicitly change dependencies

The result? Truly reproducible builds with minimal effort.

poetry install --no-dev

This command will install the exact same packages on any machine, regardless of when you run it or what versions are available on PyPI.

Security Implications

Poetry’s lock file also provides security benefits. By verifying package hashes, it prevents supply chain attacks where a malicious package could be uploaded to PyPI with the same version number.

8. Publishing Packages

Publishing with pip

Pip isn’t directly involved in publishing packages to PyPI. Instead, you’d typically use other tools alongside it:

pip install build twine
python -m build
twine upload dist/*

This multi-tool approach works but involves more steps and tools to learn.

Poetry’s Publishing Workflow

Poetry integrates the build and publish process:

poetry build
poetry publish

It handles packaging formats, metadata, and uploads to PyPI in a unified workflow. Poetry also makes it easy to publish to private repositories:

poetry publish --repository my-repo

Developer Experience

For package maintainers, Poetry’s streamlined publishing process can save significant time and reduce the potential for errors. However, if you’re already comfortable with the traditional tools, the benefit might be less noticeable.

9. Advanced Features

pip’s Hidden Capabilities

Pip has several lesser-known features worth mentioning:

  • Editable installs: pip install -e . for development
  • Downloading without installing: pip download package
  • Wheel support: pip wheel package for creating binary packages

These features are powerful but often require additional knowledge or tools to use effectively.

Poetry’s Extra Functionality

Poetry includes several features that go beyond basic package management:

  • Script definitions: Define custom commands in pyproject.toml
  • Plugin system: Extend Poetry’s functionality
  • Multiple repository support: Easily work with private repositories
start = "mypackage:main"

Now you can run poetry run start instead of poetry run python -m mypackage.

Feature Comparison

While both tools have advanced capabilities, Poetry’s features are more integrated into its design and often require less additional configuration. Pip’s features, while powerful, sometimes feel like add-ons rather than core functionality.

10. Performance Comparison

Installation Speed

In simple benchmarks, pip is often faster for single package installations. However, Poetry’s caching mechanisms can make subsequent installations quicker, especially in CI/CD environments.

For a typical small to medium project:

  • pip: 5-10 seconds for initial install
  • Poetry: 7-15 seconds for initial install, but faster on repeated installs

Dependency Resolution Performance

For complex dependency trees:

  • pip: Can struggle with large, interconnected dependency sets
  • Poetry: More efficient resolution, but with some overhead

Resource Usage

Poetry tends to use more memory than pip due to its more sophisticated dependency resolution. However, the difference is rarely significant enough to matter in modern development environments.

11. Community and Support

pip’s Established Ecosystem

As the official package installer, pip has unmatched integration with the Python ecosystem:

  • Extensive documentation
  • Widespread adoption
  • Support in virtually all Python-related tools
  • Regular updates from the Python Packaging Authority

Poetry’s Growing Community

Poetry has gained significant traction:

  • Active GitHub repository with regular updates
  • Growing adoption, especially in modern projects
  • Detailed documentation with examples
  • Responsive maintainers

Making a Choice

Consider this: pip has the advantage of ubiquity, while Poetry has momentum and modern design principles on its side. The tool with better community support often depends on your specific development community and the types of projects you work on.

12. Use Case Scenarios

When to Stick with pip

Pip might be your best choice when:

  • Working with simple scripts or small projects
  • Maintaining backward compatibility is crucial
  • Operating in environments with limited installation privileges
  • Collaborating with developers who prefer traditional tools

Need to quickly prototype something? Pip’s simplicity is hard to beat.

When Poetry Shines

Poetry becomes particularly valuable when:

  • Working on medium to large projects
  • Collaborating in teams where environment consistency is crucial
  • Developing libraries meant for distribution
  • Managing complex dependency relationships

Are you building something that will grow over time? Poetry’s structured approach might save you headaches later.

Project Type Considerations

Consider your project type:

  • Applications: Poetry’s environment management and dependency resolution excel
  • Libraries: Poetry’s publishing capabilities streamline distribution
  • Data science: Pip’s ubiquity works well with Jupyter and other tools
  • DevOps scripts: Pip’s simplicity and universal availability are advantages


The Verdict: It Depends (But Here’s What to Consider)

After exploring both tools thoroughly, it’s clear that neither pip nor Poetry is universally “better.” Your choice should depend on your specific needs:

  • Choose pip for simplicity, compatibility, and when working with traditional Python workflows.
  • Choose Poetry for project management, dependency resolution, and modern development practices.

Many developers actually use both: Poetry for their own projects, and pip when working with others’ code or in constrained environments.

Looking Forward

The Python packaging ecosystem continues to evolve. Pip is improving its dependency resolution, while Poetry is gaining wider adoption. In the future, we might see these tools converge in functionality or a new tool emerge that combines the best of both.

For now, understanding the strengths and limitations of each tool allows you to make an informed choice for your specific situation.

Have you tried both tools? Which one aligns better with your workflow? The beauty of the Python ecosystem is having these choices available—each optimized for different needs and preferences.